Open Source Testing Tools in C#
NUnit is a unit-testing framework for all .Net languages. Initially ported from JUnit |
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NUnitForms is an NUnit extension for unit and acceptance testing of Windows Forms applications. |
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dotunit is a port of JUnit (www.junit.org) to the Microsoft .net platform. This testing framework allows for automated unit and functional tests which are vital for refactoring and regression testing. |
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VSNUnit is an integration tool that allows you to execute your NUnit tests from within the IDE. Instead of dumping the results as a text stream to the output window, VSNUnit provides the graphical tree view that NUnit and JUnit users have come to love. The tree view is a dockable toolwindow inside the IDE, allowing you to integrate it with your standard development environment layout. |
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EasyMock.NET is a class library that provides an easy way to use mock objects for given interfaces or remote objects |
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An implementation of XUnit testing framework |
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MbUnit is an evolutive Unit Test Framework for .Net. It provides new fixtures as well as the framework to create new ones. MbUnit is based QuickGraph, a directed graph library for C#.
MbUnit is a superset of NUnit. Now that NUnit has become mainstream and is evolving MbUnit is where much of the action is going on. |
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Zanebug is an advanced unit testing application for .NET. It provides full support for existing NUnit tests, performance metrics, multiple test iterations, in-depth error information, pass / fail stats, perfmon integration, result graphing, etc. |
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DotNetMock is a framework and a library to facilitate the use of MockObjects for unit testing on the .NET platform. It supports the creation of your own MockObjects as well as the dynamic creation of MockObjects. It supports almost any version of NUnit, and MbUnit.
DotNetMock DynamicMocks can mock interfaces at runtime and can even modify ref/out parameters. |
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Rhino.Mocks is an attempt to create easier way to build and use mock objects and allow better refactoring support from the current tools. It's a hybrid approach between the pure Record/Replay of EasyMock.Net's model and NMock's expectation based model. |
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Inspired by JUnit, csUnit brings the power of unit testing to the .NET framework. csUnit is your key to unit testing and test-driven development using .NET languages such as C#, Visual Basic .NET, Visual J#, or Managed C++. csUnit provides versions for VS2002, VS2003, and VS2005 with add-in support. Of course there is also a stand-alone GUI application and a command line. csUnit is open-source but its license (zlib/libpng) also allows for using csUnit or parts of it in closed-source and commercial projects. |
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NUnitAddin is a simple addin for VisualStudio 2005 used in association with NUnit framework. The NUnit Addin allows you to run unit tests inside Visual Studio 2005.
* Read Visual Studio 2005 files: .sln
* Build visual tree from .sln files
* Run tests in Visual Studio 2005
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System testing in .Net is a port of the Systir tool from ruby to C#. It allows users to specify plain english text software requirements that can then become executable tests. |
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XtUnit is a unit testing extension for .Net based frameworks. It uses the interception application block to provide runtime abilities of rolling back any changes that were made to the database during Data related unit tests. |
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The Gallio Automation Platform is an open, extensible, and neutral system for .NET that provides a common object model, runtime services and tools (such as test runners) that may be leveraged by any number of test frameworks. |
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Nester is a tool for mutation testing of your C# source code in order to assess the adequacy of your unit tests. It involves modification of programs to see if existing tests can distinguish the original program from the modified program. |
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QAliber includes 2 projects: a Visual Studio plug-in and Test Builder + Runner as execute framework.
Visual Studio plug-in help writing automatic tests over GUI with control browser and record/play capabilities (but not only, since this project incorporate into development solution API testing is easy to do)
The Test Builder is a framework for creating a scenario by simply drag and drop of created building blocks. It already provide big repository of test blocks performing most tasks without coding. |
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